Articles Tagged with spousal support modification

Understanding California’s Community Property Law in Divorce

Understanding California’s Community Property Law in Divorce

California is one of nine states that uses a community property statute to resolve property division in divorce. This means that all marital property in a divorce is subject to a strict 50/50 division in every divorce filed in the state. Some people believe the community property standard to be overbearing, often forcing divorcing couples to liquidate assets to divide the proceeds. Others carry misconceptions about what community property means and what is subject to division in divorce.

If you are preparing to divorce in California, it’s vital to understand the value that an experienced divorce attorney can provide in your case. Community property law may seem overly strict, but you still have the right to keep all your separate property in a divorce. A good attorney can help you retain your separate property ownership rights, complete your financial disclosure packet as quickly as possible, and approach property division with greater confidence, helping you secure the most favorable outcome.

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Benefits of Legal Counsel in a High Net Worth Divorce

Benefits of Legal Counsel in a High Net Worth Divorce

Any divorce in California can impose severe financial concerns for both spouses, but couples who control substantial assets and complex investments tend to have the most difficult times in divorce proceedings. A “high net worth divorce” was traditionally any divorce involving a couple with a net worth of more than one million dollars. By today’s standards, a “high net worth divorce” is likely to involve a marital net worth in the tens of millions or more.

If you are a high-net-worth individual preparing to end your marriage in California, it is natural to have concerns about the overall financial impact of your dissolution. It’s understandable to want to preserve as much personal wealth as possible and to only part with what you must under California state law. Your situation may be more complex than it appears at first, so it is always best to approach divorce proceedings with the help of an attorney you can trust.

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How to Find the Right Family Law Attorney in California

How to Find the Right Family Law Attorney in California

Family law is a unique branch of civil law pertaining to legal matters among family members. Divorces, adoptions, child custody determinations, and spousal support determinations are just a few cases that would fall within the purview of family law in California. Therefore, if you are bracing for a divorce and need to resolve custody over your child or face any other type of legal issue about family law, it is vital to seek legal counsel from an attorney you can trust.

The right family law attorney can be invaluable, regardless of your case. If you take the time to find an attorney familiar with cases like yours and they have a solid track record of professional success behind their firm, you can significantly improve your chances of securing a favorable outcome for your case. With thousands of attorneys practicing throughout California, it can feel overwhelming to approach the task of retaining the right one for your case. The following are a few essential considerations when looking for legal counsel for any family law matter in California.

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Reasons a Premarital Agreement Can Be Voided

Reasons a Premarital Agreement Can Be Voided

A premarital agreement might be a valuable option for those who have assets they wish to protect in the event of a divorce. It’s important to use a highly qualified San Diego family law attorney to make sure the agreement is prepared properly. Even with careful preparation, there are situations where an agreement can be voided.

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Your Guide to Spousal Support in California

Your Guide to Spousal Support in California

Divorce in California can be incredibly stressful and complicated, especially regarding the financial issues involved. The state upholds a strict community property statute that applies to property division, requiring divorcing spouses to evenly divide their marital assets, property, and debts. However, property division may not entirely resolve the financial issues present in a divorce. In some divorces, one spouse will need to pay spousal support, also known as alimony, to the other. Spousal support typically comes into play when one spouse is financially dependent on the other or unable to support themselves financially for other reasons.

If you plan to divorce in California, it’s natural to have concerns about your potential financial obligations to your soon-to-be ex-spouse. Whether you expect to pay or receive spousal support from your divorce, it’s vital to know how spousal support is determined, how long it lasts, and the conditions that would terminate an existing spousal support agreement.

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Potential Benefits of Legal Separation vs. Divorce

Potential Benefits of Legal Separation vs. Divorce

If you and your spouse have been experiencing tension in your marriage, divorce could potentially arise as a possibility for your near future. However, it is vital that you do not make the decision to divorce lightly, nor should you rush into divorce proceedings in the face of marital problems. Divorce is a complex and stressful process. It is likely to pose significant changes to various aspects of your life for the foreseeable future. In some cases, couples need time and space to reevaluate their marriages before moving forward with divorce proceedings.

Legal separation can effectively provide some of the benefits that divorce can offer without the finality of divorce. While many people conflate legal separation and divorce, they are two very different family law procedures. In a divorce, the couple’s marriage contract is terminated, and the couple resolves many issues such as property division, child custody, and spousal support. In a legal separation case, the couple must also address many of the same issues and will ultimately end up with separate living arrangements, but they remain legally married.

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Understanding the Differences Between Writs and Appeals

Understanding the Differences Between Writs and Appeals

Navigating the court system can be exceedingly difficult for those new to the experience. In particular, many individuals are unfamiliar with the often-prevalent legal jargon—especially when it comes to the complex processes and legal documents this jargon can describe. Fortunately, the average person is not expected to understand each detail of our complex legal system or the nuances within the law. Skilled attorneys exist to demystify the legal system and guide their clients through their court proceedings successfully.

However, it is important to be aware of the most common legal terms, especially those that pertain to your case. To that end, one of the most asked questions our attorneys receive is regarding writs and appeals. These two legal petitions can dramatically affect how a case proceeds and the differences between them can make a major difference in the timeline of a case. Further, some legal proceedings require a writ, while others require appeals.

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Acceptable Grounds for Family Court Order Modification in California


Family law is unique in many ways. Perhaps most notably, the family law system offers a more streamlined alternative to the standard appeal process when an individual accountable to a family court order believes the order to be unreasonable or untenable due to recent events. Family law acknowledges that life is unpredictable. Due to the nature of most family court orders, the terms of an order may not be as reasonable in the future as they are at the time they are signed into effect by a judge.

If you have recently experienced any major life events that have materially influenced your standing family court order, the modification process can allow you to make simple changes that reflect the recent changes in your life. This does not mean you can repeatedly pester the court until they modify your family court order to suit your exact preferences. There are certain conditions that must be satisfied if the court is to approve of any proposed modification.

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Understanding Spousal Support


Divorce is never an easy process. There are endless factors that can contribute to the ease and difficulty of a legal separation. Many different laws apply when filing and following through with a divorce. One factor to consider when obtaining a divorce in California is the concept of spousal support, which can also be known as alimony. When couples legally separate, the court may order one spouse or partner to pay a certain amount of support money each month. This can be a problematic issue, and it is crucial to find a family law firm that can help you understand support, calculate the amount of support, and help prepare court forms.

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How Is Spousal Support Determined?


One aspect of the divorce process that is often misunderstood is spousal support, also referred to as alimony. References to this form of support are often made in the media. Many people wonder why spousal support exists in the first place, beyond a convenient plot device to add drama to an already tense situation. It’s natural for people to be confused about how the courts determine when spousal support is applicable, how much spousal support is owed, and why it’s necessary to have any spousal support at all. Like many other aspects of family law, spousal support has been a part of the system for many years and was created with justice and people’s well-being in mind. That being said, the basic concept of spousal support has certainly undergone several transformations since it was first conceived.

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