Articles Tagged with co-parenting

Child Custody and Visitation Rights for Unmarried Parents in California

Child Custody and Visitation Rights for Unmarried Parents in CaliforniaChild custody and visitation rights for unmarried parents in California can be complex and often differ from those experienced by married couples. While the law prioritizes the best interests of the child, it is essential for unmarried parents to understand their legal rights and how custody and visitation arrangements are determined in the state.

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Parental Relocation and Child Custody in California

Parental Relocation and Child Custody in CaliforniaParental relocation and child custody in California can be one of the most challenging issues to navigate when it comes to divorce. When a parent wants to move away from their current location, it can greatly impact the custody arrangements and the relationship between the child and the other parent.

In California, specific laws and procedures govern how relocation requests are handled in the context of child custody. Ensuring the child’s best interests are met is always the primary concern.

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Joint Custody vs. Sole Custody in California

Joint Custody vs. Sole Custody in CaliforniaWhen parents separate or divorce in California, one of the most important decisions they face is how to handle child custody. The court’s primary goal is to determine an arrangement that serves the child’s well-being. Understanding the differences between joint custody vs. sole custody in California, as well as the legal and practical implications of each, is essential for parents navigating this complex process.

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The Role of Mental Health Evaluations in Custody Disputes

The Role of Mental Health Evaluations in Custody DisputesIn high-conflict custody cases or divorces, the court’s main concern is the well-being of the child. In order to determine how important matters like visitations and custody are allotted, the courts may evaluate the mental health of one or both parents to ensure that they can provide a stable, nurturing environment.

Mental health evaluations (also known as psychological evaluations) play a crucial role in custody disputes. They can provide the court with an objective assessment of a parent’s psychological state and their ability to care for their child. Understanding how these evaluations work and why they are sometimes required can help parents navigate this challenging aspect of family law.

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Legal Parenthood in Same-Sex Marriages

Legal Parenthood in Same-Sex MarriagesIn California, same-sex marriage has been legal since 2013. However, even with the legal recognition of same-sex marriages, issues surrounding parental rights can still be complex. Establishing and protecting parental rights is crucial for ensuring that both parents in a same-sex marriage are legally recognized, especially when children are involved.

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When a California Child Custody Agreement Might Need to Change

When a California Child Custody Agreement Might Need to ChangeSometimes, your child custody arrangement needs an update. Whether your circumstances have changed dramatically or your child’s needs have evolved, California law allows individuals to modify their custody arrangements. If you need help modifying your California child custody agreement, it would be wise to contact our family law attorney for extra assistance with your situation.

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How To Prepare for a Child Custody Evaluation in San Diego

How To Prepare for a Child Custody Evaluation in San DiegoAnyone who is going through a child custody evaluation in California should understand the basic steps of how to prepare for a child custody evaluation in San Diego. Child custody evaluation involves a court-appointed evaluator who speaks with the child, both parents, and possibly other adults who are involved in the child’s life. While a judge is not required to follow the recommendations in the final report, the evaluator’s insights often carry weight in court.

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What Will My Initial Consultation Look Like With a Family Law Lawyer? 

What Will My Initial Consultation Look Like With a Family Law Lawyer? Information is the key to confidently approaching many situations. By giving insight into what you can anticipate during an initial consultation with a family law attorney, the goal is that you feel prepared and empowered to take this essential initial step toward trusted advice and resolution. Though a family law attorney will understand that you may have many questions or concerns or you might not know what to ask or talk about, this guide can help.

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How Can a Local San Diego Family Law Lawyer Help Me? 

How Can a Local San Diego Family Law Lawyer Help Me? Navigating legal action within the realm of family law, whether that be divorce, property division, child custody concerns, domestic violence incidents, or more, can be heavy and challenging. The emotional toll of dealing with the legal issue while also attempting to learn the legal aspects of finding a resolution can be overwhelming. Family law lawyers work to ensure their clients are supported and protected and have all the needed information to make decisions.
Many individuals approach family law matters by considering whether or not to work with an attorney, and a large part of making that decision is learning exactly what an attorney can do during the family law issue. While consulting with a family law attorney is not essential for each legal case, individuals can miss out on essential support and care by not engaging with a trusted local lawyer. A lawyer can provide empathetic and compassionate care when you need it the most.

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Are Mothers Favored in Child Custody Decisions?

Are Mothers Favored in Child Custody Decisions?Child custody is a sensitive issue, which is why there are some important guidelines that family law judges are required to follow when making a child custody decision. Many people, in particular fathers, have questions about whether or not mothers are favored in the child custody process and decisions. While there is a stereotype suggesting that custody typically goes to the mother, the question deserves some closer examination.

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