Articles Tagged with child support modification

Do I Need to Add a Moving Clause To My California Custody Agreement?

Do I Need to Add a Moving Clause To My California Custody Agreement?During a California divorce, it can be extremely difficult for couples to reach agreements on decisions related to the future of their children, such as issues related to child support, child custody, and visitation. This process can be emotionally distressing for both parties involved.

On top of that, the topic of relocation often arises, as some parents may wish to move cities or states based on new life prospects.

In particular, California offers many new opportunities across the state, and many prompt parents to want to move. When drafting and executing a custody agreement, it’s important to take this into account and consider adding a “moving clause” to the custody arrangement.

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Child Visitation and Custody Arrangements for Parents With Young Children

Child Visitation and Custody Arrangements for Parents With Young Children

Couples getting divorced in California are likely thinking first and foremost about the impact their divorce will have on their children. Couples with young children will specifically have different aspects of family law to consider than those with older children, such as child visitation and custody arrangements.

While parents may be tempted to plan for the present moment, thinking only of the needs of their young children right now, it’s important to keep the future of the children in mind as well. Bickford Blado & Botros explains how couples can take into account the needs of their young children now while designing a custody and visitation arrangement that will continue to work for the children as they age into their teenage years.
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California Adoption – What You Need to Know

California Adoption - What You Need to Know

When a family wants to legally accept parental rights to a child, they can go through the process of legal adoption. Adoption is more than just a legality, though. It means caring for, loving, and guiding a child as your own. Adoption makes a child legally part of your family, which makes you legally responsible for their care and well-being until they are no longer a minor.

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How Can Parenting Be Handled After A Divorce

How Can Parenting Be Handled After A Divorce

Making arrangements for parenting after a divorce is finalized is a significant decision. The effects will determine much of the parents’ lives moving forward, and of course, it will have a tremendous impact on the child. It’s important that a parenting plan for handling parenting be thorough and consider a wide range of factors and concerns. A lawyer who’s dealt with similar situations before can help make sure that parents are addressing sometimes forgotten issues and concerns. The lawyer can also help ensure that the plan put together is something that a judge will recognize as being in a child’s interest.

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How Can a Parent Lose Custody of Their Child?

How Can a Parent Lose Custody of Their Child?

Custody is a challenging aspect of family law, as parents want a connection with their children, and children want a connection with their parents. Generally, the courts try to honor those desires for connection in their custody rulings. They want to give parents as close to even roles in their child’s life as possible. However, the guiding principle of the courts is the child’s interests. This means that there are some things a parent may do which are considered so harmful to the child’s welfare that custody must be taken from the parent. If issues like this are a concern with either yourself or the other parent, it’s important to talk with an experienced child custody attorney who can help you understand your options.

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Domestic Violence and Divorce in California

Domestic Violence and Divorce in California

Domestic violence is a serious accusation and situation. Unfortunately, domestic violence-related divorce is not an unfamiliar occurrence, which is why courts are prepared to address the issue in divorce proceedings. The challenging process of divorce becomes all the more difficult when domestic violence is involved. It is critical to have a divorce lawyer who is up to the task of working through this process in this situation. It requires not just skill and experience but also the ability to tactfully handle such a sensitive situation.

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When Can Your Child Decide Which Parent to Live With

When Can Your Child Decide Which Parent to Live With?

Divorces and separations are challenging for everyone, but they often have a unique impact on the children who are involved. Every state has different guidelines surrounding the preferences of a child in court and when they can be honored. Whether the relationship between a child and one of their parents is broken or a child truly wishes to live with the other parent, you may be wondering when your kids are legally allowed to choose where to live.

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Can You Relocate With Your Child After a Divorce in California

Can You Relocate With Your Child After a Divorce in California?

When a divorce involves children, a child custody order must be implemented to dictate how the parents will share responsibility for them. Because a child custody agreement is a legal order that often gives parenting time to both spouses, one parent cannot simply move away with their child whenever they please. Instead, the parent who would like to relocate must follow the required legal procedures to request permission to do so.

If you are considering relocating, it is imperative to know if you are eligible to move away with your child after a California divorce.

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Understanding Ex Parte Child Custody Orders

Understanding Ex Parte Child Custody Orders

Ex parte proceedings, also called emergency proceedings, are filed when an immediate decision needs to be made in a family law case because of an emergency situation. An ex parte order is an emergency and temporary order. They may be necessary in divorce proceedings, child custody determinations, and domestic violence cases.

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Establishing Paternity in California

Establishing Paternity in California

Establishing paternity is necessary for many unmarried couples to gain essential parental rights and responsibilities for their children. Paternity allows both parents to have rights to custody and visitation, along with the responsibility to financially support their child. It also allows children to get financial insurance benefits and inheritance rights from both of their parents. There are several ways that parents can establish the paternity of their children.

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