Nancy J. Bickford

Divorcing parents understandably worry how the end of their marriage will affect their children. The parents will no longer be living together, the children will have to adjust to a new visitation schedule, there is the possibility of changing schools, and all the stress of a world turned asunder. It is no surprise then that sometimes parents will try to maintain as much normalcy as possible to reduce the impact of the divorce on their children, including keeping their family residence. The family home is often one of the most permanent and stable places for a child; it is where there bedroom is, where their friends live and near the school they attend.

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There is a saying by Benjamin Franklin that the only two things that are inevitable in this world are “death and taxes.” I don’t know if this saying is clever or morbid, but it is very true. In a family law context death does not come up often, but when it does, it is important to have a qualified family law attorney by your side to help you navigate the murky waters.

The focus of this blog is to address some of the potential consequences of an untimely death in connection with your divorce case. I will address the most common scenarios for the surviving party and how the court deals with them.

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This past September, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (“AAML”) released a new publication addressing the division of parenting time for families going through divorce or separation. The publication, titled Child Centered Residential Guidelines (“AAML Guidelines”), is the product of an AAML committee formed to look for developmentally and psychologically appropriate parenting plans for parents not living under the same roof.

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Since Lamar Odom has found himself in the hospital following a drug and alcohol related incident on October 13, news of him and the related Kardashian clan has been spattered everywhere (yes, we didn’t think it was possible, but we are hearing even more about them than we do under usual circumstances). We are happy to hear that Lamar is on the road to a full recovery and sympathize with him and his loved ones as they go through this difficult time. This incident has brought other aspects of his life back into the spotlight, and the relationship between him and Khloe Kardashian had been the focus of much media attention as she has been spending a lot of time with Lamar in the hospital since the entire ordeal began.

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There are two types of support in Family Law cases in California. There is child support, which refers to support intended to assist in providing for the needs of the children involved in the case. Then there is spousal support, sometimes called “Alimony” (The two terms are interchangeable) which is intended to provide spousal maintenance after a divorce proceeding is initiated. During the course of a case, the court may make an order for either, or both, child and spousal support. After the order has been made, the court expects the amounts to be paid.

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If you are considering a divorce or are already involved in the divorce process, you have likely done some research and been left scratching your head in bewilderment. Divorce is so common these days that you may assume it’s easy to do. Unfortunately, however, it’s not the most “user friendly” process. This is especially so in California, where the judicial forms, statutes, cases, and court rules that together form our laws are wrought with nuances and deadlines that even the most intelligent person in the world is apt to miss without the proper legal training.

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It’s no secret that divorces can get expensive. The divorce between Dodgers owners Frank and Jamie McCourt exceeded $20,000,000 in fees! There are three fairly simple steps that every single person can take before and during marriage to make any potential divorce less expensive.

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Janus Friis, the co-founder of Skype, gave his Danish pop star girlfriend Aura Dione (real name Maria Louise Joenson) a $471,942 engagement ring when he popped the question in July of 2013. Among the platinum ring’s many diamonds are a 1.76 carat center diamond, two pear-shaped blue diamonds weighing in at .91 carats, and 1.75 more carats of blue and pink diamonds. Once they were engaged, he also gave her an apartment in Copenhagen and cash gifts. Unfortunately, Friis later found out that his pop star love had been sleeping around with other men and called off the engagement.

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In my last blog I talked about how a custody evaluation is ordered, what it costs, and how long it takes. If you have not read that blog, it may be helpful to go back and take a look before you continue. If you prefer to get right into the trenches, then continue on.

Read the Blog: What is a Custody Evaluation (Part 1)

The first question everyone asks me when the court orders a custody evaluation is…”What is a custody evaluation?”

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