Nancy J. Bickford

How to Respond to A Petition for an Annulment


If you have been served by your spouse with a petition for an annulment, you are likely wondering exactly what this means and how you should respond appropriately. Compared to a petition for divorce, in which you request the court to dissolve a legally valid marriage, a petition for annulment asks the court to declare that the marriage was never valid in the first place. If the court approves this position, it will completely erase your marriage from the California state record, making it virtually nonexistent in the eyes of the law.

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A Detailed Look at the Steps for Seeking an Annulment in California


After you have considered your options for dissolving your marriage and decided that the best choice for you is to request an annulment, there are specific steps you must take to complete this process according to California law. Contact Bickford Law today with any questions you may have about the process, then let us work for you to ensure you have the best chance at receiving the court’s approval for your annulment.

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How to Petition for an Annulment in California


If you are married and currently living in California, one effective option for dissolving your marriage is by petitioning the court for an annulment. Compared to a divorce, in which a marriage is considered legally over, an annulment declares that the marriage was invalid. An annulment means, from a legal standpoint, that it never existed. If you’re considering dissolving your marriage, consider the following information for how to petition for an annulment, what the statutes of limitations are for filing your petition based on the grounds you are claiming for annulment, and what you can expect after filing your petition.

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Everything You Need to Know About Annulments


Although they happen often, annulments are often misunderstood. Media and popular culture promote a number of diverse yet equally inaccurate representations of this process, making it difficult for most people to recognize the truth of this legal concept. If you are unsatisfied with your relationship or discover new information that drastically impacts the validity of your marriage, call our firm. California law allows you to receive an annulment if you follow a certain legal process and meet specific criteria.
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What Happens When a Judge Determines Child Custody?


Divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences of any person’s life, but the process tends to be especially hard on parents. The breakdown of a marriage is one thing, but the breakdown of a family unit raises an entirely new set of concerns and issues that demand thoughtful consideration.

In California, state law dictates that all family court judges must ensure that any divorce involving children preserves those children’s best interests. Regardless of whether divorcing parents intend to go to court or mediate their divorces, the California family court system must approve their parenting plan and ensure safe care, custody, and support for the couple’s children.
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The Basic Timeline of a Divorce Case and FAQ

The-Basic-Timeline-of-a-DivorceDivorce is typically one of the most difficult experiences of a person’s life. It is natural to feel a mix of frustration and confusion as one accepts the reality of an impending divorce. It is also natural to have many questions about the legal process of divorce. At Bickford, Blado & Botros, our San Diego divorce attorneys understand how challenging divorce can be and want to provide as much clarity about the process as we possibly can. It’s essential to know how a typical divorce case unfolds, the differences between mediation and litigation, and the common problems divorcing individuals face through their proceedings.
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How to Prove Falsehoods in Divorce Proceedings

How-to-Prove-Falsehoods-in-Divorce-ProceedingsWhenever an individual is involved in any type of legal case, honesty is absolutely essential even when it comes at a detriment to one’s own personal interests. Unfortunately, in many divorce cases in San Diego and throughout California, divorcing spouses attempt to hide assets, make false statements, obfuscate evidence, and otherwise interfere with their divorce proceedings for personal gain. When this occurs, the other spouse must know their legal options and take appropriate action.
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Is Mediation Possible in a Heated Divorce?

Is-Mediation-Possible-in-a-Heated-DivorceThe vast majority of divorce cases filed throughout the United States unfold along relatively tame lines compared to many media portrayals of divorce. However, in rare cases, divorces are hotly contested by one or both parties, and the emotional side of a divorce can have far more influence on the legal side than it should. When emotions prevent rationality in divorce proceedings, everyone ultimately loses. Heated arguments and unwillingness to compromise increase the time, expense, and stress required to end the marriage.
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San Diego Divorce Attorney

Why You Should Attempt Divorce Mediation Before LitigationEnding a marriage is rarely a simple or easy endeavor, but there is more than one way to handle this type of matter. While many people believe that divorces end with heated court battles, this is actually only true for a small fraction of the divorce cases that unfold in California and throughout the United States. Every marriage is different; therefore, every divorce case is different, so it is vital to seek guidance for your unique situation with an experienced San Diego divorce attorney to determine the best approach to your own divorce.
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The Consequences of Withholding Visitation Rights

Visitation-RightsVisitation is an important part of any custody agreement. However, it can be difficult to allow your former partner to spend time with your child after having sustained multiple negative experiences with them in the past. In addition to any perceived hostility from the other parent, many situations might make you tempted to withhold visitation, such as attempts by the parent to manipulate your child, failure to pay child support, or even risk of physical or psychological abuse. If the court has already determined that the other parent has visitation rights, withholding visitation is an act of defiance against a standing court order and could result in severe consequences. In fact, the other parent can even accuse you of kidnapping. That’s why it is critical to follow the appropriate legal procedures for your situation instead of simply attempting to withhold visitation rights on your own. A family law attorney can go over the specifics and help you determine the best course of action to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your child. Continue reading

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