Articles Posted in Marriage

A Detailed Look at the Steps for Seeking an Annulment in California


After you have considered your options for dissolving your marriage and decided that the best choice for you is to request an annulment, there are specific steps you must take to complete this process according to California law. Contact Bickford Law today with any questions you may have about the process, then let us work for you to ensure you have the best chance at receiving the court’s approval for your annulment.

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How to Petition for an Annulment in California


If you are married and currently living in California, one effective option for dissolving your marriage is by petitioning the court for an annulment. Compared to a divorce, in which a marriage is considered legally over, an annulment declares that the marriage was invalid. An annulment means, from a legal standpoint, that it never existed. If you’re considering dissolving your marriage, consider the following information for how to petition for an annulment, what the statutes of limitations are for filing your petition based on the grounds you are claiming for annulment, and what you can expect after filing your petition.

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Everything You Need to Know About Annulments


Although they happen often, annulments are often misunderstood. Media and popular culture promote a number of diverse yet equally inaccurate representations of this process, making it difficult for most people to recognize the truth of this legal concept. If you are unsatisfied with your relationship or discover new information that drastically impacts the validity of your marriage, call our firm. California law allows you to receive an annulment if you follow a certain legal process and meet specific criteria.
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The Basic Timeline of a Divorce Case and FAQ

The-Basic-Timeline-of-a-DivorceDivorce is typically one of the most difficult experiences of a person’s life. It is natural to feel a mix of frustration and confusion as one accepts the reality of an impending divorce. It is also natural to have many questions about the legal process of divorce. At Bickford, Blado & Botros, our San Diego divorce attorneys understand how challenging divorce can be and want to provide as much clarity about the process as we possibly can. It’s essential to know how a typical divorce case unfolds, the differences between mediation and litigation, and the common problems divorcing individuals face through their proceedings.
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How to Prove Falsehoods in Divorce Proceedings

How-to-Prove-Falsehoods-in-Divorce-ProceedingsWhenever an individual is involved in any type of legal case, honesty is absolutely essential even when it comes at a detriment to one’s own personal interests. Unfortunately, in many divorce cases in San Diego and throughout California, divorcing spouses attempt to hide assets, make false statements, obfuscate evidence, and otherwise interfere with their divorce proceedings for personal gain. When this occurs, the other spouse must know their legal options and take appropriate action.
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Child Custody and Support Outside of Wedlock

Child-Custody-and-Support-Outside-of-WedlockNavigating custody and child support cases is a normal part of course proceedings. If you happen to be an unmarried parent who has newly separated from their partner, you might be wondering if any legal provisions are in place to support you and your child. In 2018, the CDC revealed 39.6% of all births in the United States resulted from relationships outside of wedlock, so this is hardly an unusual situation. However, the information and resources available to parents going through custody-related claims in court are generally focused on situations where the parents were previously in a legally recognized union. Continue reading

In many ways, a divorce can seem, and typically is, final.  It requires the filing of a judgment, a judge’s signature, and a marriage that is no longer the same.  But what happens when a party files for divorce and then changes his or her mind?  Or, what happens when a couple finalizes their divorce and then reconciles?  This blog will explore the consequences of these non-traditional relationships.Cartoon red heart with patch on the crack. Cute and friendly character with eyes and smile

First, let’s consider what happens when a party files for divorce but then changes his or her mind and wishes to withdraw the petition for dissolution.  In California, there is a 6-month statutory waiting period before any divorce can be finalized- and this scenario is exactly why.  Sometimes a couple is going through a rough patch and a spouse will file for divorce prematurely.  After discussing and working on their relationship the couple no longer wants to go through with their divorce.  So, what happens? Continue reading


In this era it is hard to meet any young adult who does not have some amount of debt, with the most common form being student loans.  These loans can be hefty, as college, graduate school, and living expenses are incurred.  But what happens when you marry, and then separate from someone who has student loans?  Is the community entitled to any reimbursement for helping pay those loans down during the course of the marriage?  Does it matter if the loans were incurred during marriage or before marriage?  The answer is, it depends. Continue reading


For most people, the decision to get divorced is not reached on a whim.  More often than not, “Breaking up is like knocking over a Coke machine.  You can’t do it in one push.  You gotta rock it back and forth a few times, and then it goes over.” (-Jerry Seinfeld)

It is not uncommon for those going through the divorce process to at some point become frustrated by the amount it is taking to, what in itself sounds simple, end their marriage! While sometimes bittersweet, many people returning to checking the “single” box, provides, a sense of progress, relief, satisfaction, accomplishment, or even freedom. This is especially true for those who have been enmeshed in lengthy highly contentious and stressful litigation. Continue reading

This having likely been one of the most divisive political campaigns and presidential nominations in history, it may not be surprising that the widespread political divide and contempt has spilled over into many households and left countless numbers of people questioning relationships with their significant others. For several months, we suspected that this would be true, but a recent Google search led way to an astonishing amount of op-ed articles and message board discussions regarding women (at least mostly women from what we could tell), detailing the rift that differing opinions regarding President Elect Donald Trump had caused in their marriages.Some even took to message boards or wrote into advice columns to seek guidance as to whether the difference in opinion was a legitimate reason to end the marriage or relationship at issue. Continue reading

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