Articles Posted in Legal Separation

What Can I Do If My Spouse Has Gotten Physically Abusive?

What Can I Do If My Spouse Has Gotten Physically Abusive?

Having a stressful home life can be mentally and physically exhausting. Everyone deserves to have a safe place where they can feel comfortable, heard, and supported. Unfortunately, in the United States, nearly 20 people experience physical abuse per minute. If you are in a similar situation at home that entails abuse of any kind, you are not alone, and you can get help.

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What Do I Need to Get Full Custody of My Child in California?

What Do I Need to Get Full Custody of My Child in California?

Going through a California divorce can be extremely difficult, especially when there are children involved. During this time, you want to shelter your children, make sure that they are comfortable with the transition happening in your family, and be confident that they will continue to thrive after the separation is finalized. However, in some situations, the best way to do that is to remove the other spouse from the picture on a full-time basis.

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What Is Interstate Discovery and How Will It Affect a Divorce?

What Is Interstate Discovery and How Will It Affect a Divorce?

Although it can take time, out-of-state discovery is becoming increasingly important for many legal issues, especially those concerning divorce cases. Interstate discovery is increasing as internet-facilitated communication expands, opening up new avenues for the communication of legal materials as well. Fortunately, the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (UIDDA) can assist in standardizing the procedure for eliciting testimony and evidence from parties located outside of California’s jurisdiction.

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Common Reasons People File for Divorce in California

Common Reasons People File for Divorce in California

No one gets married expecting to get a divorce, but sometimes ending a marriage may be necessary. The reasons for getting a divorce are unique to each situation. However, the underlying causes for a divorce filing can give some context for how these proceedings unfold.

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Can Child Custody Be Re-Negotiated in California?

Can Child Custody Be Re-Negotiated in California?

Child custody issues can become increasingly difficult during divorce proceedings. The choice of which parent will have full custody is left to the court’s discretion. The judgments made by the court to carry out these agreements differ from case to case because every custody scenario is unique. Although seemingly finite, child custody agreements can be negotiated and redefined based on situational changes with either or both parents.

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How Is Spousal Support Decided in California?

How Is Spousal Support Decided in California?

Divorce is a complex legal process, and legal separation might involve several new systems that must be adapted. When adjusting to a fresh divorce, dividing assets, setting up child visitation plans, and separating joint bank accounts are expected parts of the separation process. Spousal support is one of the most hotly contested aspects of a divorce settlement. It is critical for anyone getting divorced to comprehend how these payment schedules are made and assigned during the settlement process.

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How to Complete a Family Law Appeal

How to Complete a Family Law Appeal

Navigating family law cases in court can be difficult because these cases often involve heavy emotions, even in the best circumstances. Those emotions can be even more heightened if you receive a court decision that is not in your favor. If you believe the decision made by the courts in your case is unfair, the team at Bickford Blado & Botros can help you with an appeal.

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What to Know About Child Support

What to Know About Child Support

Divorce is a difficult process, even if the former couple is able to be respectful and work together to find the best solutions. In many cases, children suffer the most during a divorce because their lives are turned upside down and they have no control over the circumstances. It is essential during a divorce involving children that their needs are met and that they continue to be cared for effectively. This is often accomplished through child support. If you are dealing with a divorce and need assistance with child support, the expert team at Bickford Blado & Botros can help.

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Mediation vs. Litigation

Mediation vs. Litigation: Which Is Better for You?

Even under the most ideal circumstances, a divorce can be painful and overwhelming. The former couple is dealing with the emotions of a broken relationship while also navigating the legal system. Assets must be divided as fairly as possible, and all of the necessary paperwork must be kept track of and filed at the correct time.

That process would be overwhelming for nearly anyone but is made much more difficult if there is also conflict between the former spouses. In those situations, there are two routes that can be followed. Couples who cannot agree on a resolution may choose to litigate the divorce and allow the courts to make all the final decisions about the case. Those who are open to negotiation and a fair divorce may choose to mediate. It is essential to choose the path that works best for you.

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Everything You Need to Know About Premarital Agreements

Everything You Need to Know About Premarital Agreements

Getting engaged and planning a wedding is an exciting time in the life of a couple. Family and friends are celebrating with you as you prepare to begin your life together. Unfortunately, not every marriage will last. Most people do not enter into a marriage relationship planning for it to end in divorce, but it is important to be prepared for that potential outcome.

One way to ensure that both parties are protected and assets are divided fairly is to have a premarital agreement in place. A clear, well-developed premarital agreement will help ease the divorce process and guarantee that both parties receive their fair share of all assets. The experienced family law attorneys at Bickford Blado & Botros can help you craft a premarital agreement to meet both partners’ needs.

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