Articles Posted in Legal Separation

What Are the Basics of Having a Divorce Attorney?


Divorce can be complicated. Luckily, you don’t have to go through it alone. Seeking an experienced divorce attorney such as the ones at Bickford Blado & Botros will help you understand the different aspects that go into getting a divorce and will help you get through all the particulars.

Going into the initial consultation with your divorce attorney can be intimidating, but the right attorney can put your mind at ease. Many people seeking help from divorce lawyers have little to no experience with the law or lawyers beforehand. Because of this, the whole process can seem very daunting.

Here are some basics on what to expect regarding your first meeting with your divorce lawyer, as well as throughout the rest of the process.

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Is There a Difference Between Alimony and Child Support?


Individuals face a laundry list of issues and questions when they are going through a divorce, and it can be challenging to find a reasonable answer to simple questions. Couples that were once very much in love may be consumed with bitterness and anger when their marriage fails. Details such as spousal support, alimony, property division, child support, and child custody often drive a wedge even further between them. Most couples find that the most difficult challenges they face when going through divorce are spousal support and alimony. These controversial determinations are among the most common to go to court for a ruling by a judge.

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Common Signs That May Mean It Is Time for a Divorce


When a couple decides to get married, the last thing on their minds is the possibility of a divorce. Unfortunately, life takes some unexpected turns, and individuals begin to question whether they made the right decision. It can be a difficult storm to weather, as no one wants to see their fairy tale turn into a nightmare, but many signs may make it apparent that you should consider the possibility of a divorce. Whether you are still living in the same household, or separated and trying to find a way to make things work, consider these common indicators that a divorce may be the only way to move on with your life and be happy.

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Understanding Legal Terms When You’re Going Through a Divorce


When you face divorce, many factors add to the stress and anxiety you face. One thing that can make the process more challenging is trying to understand all the legal jargon associated with the proceedings. Once you grasp a basic understanding of the terms you hear, the process seems slightly less overwhelming. The terminology described here will help you interpret the phrases you encounter along the way. It is conveniently organized for you under three primary categories.

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Understanding Spousal Support


Divorce is never an easy process. There are endless factors that can contribute to the ease and difficulty of a legal separation. Many different laws apply when filing and following through with a divorce. One factor to consider when obtaining a divorce in California is the concept of spousal support, which can also be known as alimony. When couples legally separate, the court may order one spouse or partner to pay a certain amount of support money each month. This can be a problematic issue, and it is crucial to find a family law firm that can help you understand support, calculate the amount of support, and help prepare court forms.

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How Is Communal Property Divided?


When going through a divorce, several things need to be determined, such as child custody, spousal support, and the division of property. Disentangling your life from another person’s can be difficult for several reasons. When you live together for several years, there is a lot that is shared between both partners. For instance, figuring out how to navigate relationships with mutual friends can be an extremely complicated undertaking. While this is something that you’ll have to settle amongst yourselves, matters involving communal property are settled by the courts. But what types of property are considered communal, and how does the judge decide how it should all be divided?

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Under What Circumstances Can a Child Custody Agreement be Modified?


Going through a divorce can be an exceedingly long, stressful process, even when the separation was relatively amicable. During the proceedings, many decisions must be made, including child custody and child support. Once these have been finalized, it can be tempting to consider the matter fully resolved, but when there are children involved, that is rarely the case. There are a significant number of unexpected circumstances that can crop up after you’ve settled your custody agreement, ranging from changes in your life or your spouse’s life to potential new needs of your child. At the same time, modifying your agreement is not the simplest process.

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Can the Reason for Divorce Affect Child Custody?


When a marriage falls apart, there are usually a plethora of factors at play. That being said, there are also plenty of scenarios where most of the blame can be assigned to a specific issue, such as acts of adultery, problems related to alcohol abuse, desertion, and more. As such, it’s natural to wonder if any of these could impact how child custody is determined. Can such acts affect whether the courts declare someone to be an unfit parent? The truth is that the answer is far from a simple one.

For starters, it’s important to acknowledge that the way divorces are handled overall is a little bit different in California when compared to certain other states. The reason for this is because California is considered a no-fault state. But how does that affect you and your case?

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What Can I Do If My Spouse Refuses to Be Served the Divorce Papers?


Divorce is never an easy decision, but it might be the best way to move forward with your life in some situations. Once you’ve decided to get a divorce, the next step is to initiate proceedings and present your spouse with the divorce papers. Unfortunately, said decisions aren’t always mutual. If your spouse does not want the divorce, they might engage in several behaviors to sabotage the process.

One such challenge is when spouses do everything in their power to avoid being served with papers, under the assumption that if they never acknowledge the divorce, it cannot take place. This can be especially difficult when you’re looking for closure. Fortunately for residents of California, there is legal recourse for individuals who find themselves in this situation. To fully understand how this scenario can come to be and what to do if this happens to you, it’s important to be familiar with the process of filing for divorce.

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Tips for Effective Coparenting Following Divorce in CA


Transitioning from married life back to single living can be very difficult, especially if you are a divorced parent. It is necessary to not only take care of yourself and adapt to your new reality but also to ensure your children can adjust in the healthiest ways possible. Unfortunately, it is fairly common for recently divorced parents to notice significant changes in their children’s behavior. Some parents even feel lost when it comes to communicating with their children about their new reality. One of divorced parents’ greatest challenges is often reconciling their personal feelings about the other parent with their shared responsibilities.

If you have recently divorced in San Diego and have a child custody agreement with your ex-spouse, it is natural to experience many difficult emotions during the transition phase. However, it is vital to be reasonable and practical when it comes to dealing with your ex. No matter what type of personal issues lie between you and your ex, you both have a responsibility to do what is best for your children.

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