Articles Posted in Judgment

Is Mediation or Litigation Better for Divorce? 

Is Mediation or Litigation Better for Divorce? If you are looking towards divorce, you may wonder what the differences are between mediation and litigation and which option is likely to be more effective in your case. While there are nuances that influence which choice is recommended for your situation, the first step is understanding each option. It is vital that before you take legal action, you get qualified support and advice so that you can move confidently forward with your decisions.

Working with a local divorce attorney can help you feel confident in your choices as you pursue either mediation or litigation efforts for your divorce. A lawyer will look into the nature of your divorce, your unique goals, and desired outcomes and create an individualized legal plan and strategy that uplifts these details unique to you. Some spouses may first choose to pursue mediation, and if this is unsuccessful, they may finalize the divorce through litigation.

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Are Mothers Favored in Child Custody Decisions?

Are Mothers Favored in Child Custody Decisions?Child custody is a sensitive issue, which is why there are some important guidelines that family law judges are required to follow when making a child custody decision. Many people, in particular fathers, have questions about whether or not mothers are favored in the child custody process and decisions. While there is a stereotype suggesting that custody typically goes to the mother, the question deserves some closer examination.

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How Much Does a Divorce Cost?

How Much Does a Divorce Cost?California is one of the most expensive states in which to get divorced. On average, couples spend somewhere around $15,000 to $20,000 on their divorce if they do not have children. If the couple has children, the cost of divorce may increase by $5,000 to $10,000. These fees include things like filing fees to submit documents to the court, attorney fees, and other expenses. To receive a general estimate of how much your divorce might cost, contact a San Diego divorce lawyer.

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How Much Will I Pay in Child Support in California?

How Much Will I Pay in Child Support in California?One of the biggest questions asked when filing for divorce is how much you will pay for child support in California. In some cases, the court orders that child support payments be made by the higher earner to the lower earner. This is meant to lower the difference in quality of life between the two parties so that the child’s interests are represented. For more details on your child support payments, contact a San Diego child support attorney.

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Do Parents Have to Provide Health Insurance for Children After a Divorce in California?

Do Parents Have to Provide Health Insurance for Children After a Divorce in California?Health insurance is usually not the first thing that comes to mind during a divorce, but it is incredibly important to think about. It’s usually mandatory in the state of California, so losing health insurance coverage can result in financial consequences for individual spouses as well as their children. If you have detailed questions regarding your health insurance situation after a divorce, contact a San Diego divorce lawyer.

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Does the Mother Automatically Have Full Custody in California?

Does the Mother Automatically Have Full Custody in California?It is a popular belief that mothers automatically receive custody of their children if the parents split, but this is not always the case. Who gets custody often depends on things like the couple’s marital status and each parent’s individual situation. To help improve your odds of receiving custody, contact a San Diego family law attorney.

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Common Mistakes Made During a Custody Battle in California

Common Mistakes Made During a Custody Battle in CaliforniaChild custody battles are often contentious and filled with intense emotions, making them some of the most challenging elements of a divorce. During a custody battle, it’s imperative that you prioritize the well-being of your child in every proceeding. This is because a judge will make their decision based on what they believe is in your child’s best interests. However, it can be easy for parents to let emotions take over and lead them to make mistakes during the process.

As Bickford Blado & Botros, our firm is prepared to assist you during these intense times. Our legal team has decades of experience supporting families as they work through their respective custody battles and can fight for solutions that help you feel comfortable. We believe that every parent deserves to have a lawyer who can advocate for their interests while fighting to protect their children. Ask how our family lawyers can assist you today.

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Can a Spousal Support Order Be Modified in California?

Can a Spousal Support Order Be Modified in California?Spousal support is essentially the court’s way of balancing out the difference in two spouse’s incomes when they divorce. This is to ensure that one spouse isn’t left in financial ruin as a result of a divorce or separation. While spousal support is a court-ordered agreement in California, the state does allow individuals the chance to request modifications to active orders. However, the spouse requesting a modification must prove they experienced a significant change in their life.

For example, the person ordered to pay spousal support could undergo a substantial financial hardship that prohibits their ability to pay spousal support, or the spouse receiving support may receive an increase in income and no longer need payments. These factors can contribute to necessitating a change to the spousal support order. There are, however, legal requirements that must be met in order for a modification to be approved.

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Understanding Child Custody Laws in California

Understanding Child Custody Laws in CaliforniaChild custody battles are difficult and can become a physical, emotional, and financial strain on families. Whether you’re a mother fighting for custody or a grandparent trying to uphold your rights to your grandchild, it’s essential that you understand California’s child custody laws and how they are enforced. If you’re involved in any kind of child custody case, a San Diego family lawyer can be a vital asset throughout your legal proceedings.

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How Can a Prenuptial Agreement Help My Marriage?

How Can a Prenuptial Agreement Help My Marriage?Marriage is more than an official union recognized by the government. It’s also a legal and financial partnership. It bears significant responsibility, including forfeiting some of the independent freedoms that will be shared between you and your new spouse. This is where prenuptial agreements come into play. If you’d like to create a prenuptial agreement, a California family lawyer can help.

Otherwise known as a “prenup,” these are official contracts agreed upon before marriage that outline how various financial affairs and assets will be dealt with in the event of a divorce. By better understanding the nature of these marriage contracts, soon-to-be newlyweds can better assess if a prenup is right for them.

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