
Has Trump Got You and Your Marriage in a Slump?

This having likely been one of the most divisive political campaigns and presidential nominations in history, it may not be surprising that the widespread political divide and contempt has spilled over into many households and left countless numbers of people questioning relationships with their significant others. For several months, we suspected that this would be true, but a recent Google search led way to an astonishing amount of op-ed articles and message board discussions regarding women (at least mostly women from what we could tell), detailing the rift that differing opinions regarding President Elect Donald Trump had caused in their marriages.Some even took to message boards or wrote into advice columns to seek guidance as to whether the difference in opinion was a legitimate reason to end the marriage or relationship at issue.

A common thread among many of the aforementioned people and articles was that politics had never had much weight one way or another in their relationships. Even in households where one spouse was historically a Republican and the other a Democrat, couples have managed to voice their differing opinions with little controversy. Boy, were things different this time around!

Amidst other headlines like, “Trump Is Tearing My Marriage Apart” and “Till Death-or Donald-Do Us Part: Couples Spar Over Trump”, the New York Times article titled “He likes Trump. She Doesn’t. Can This Marriage Be Saved?” highlights a couple married for over 20 years going through this very battle. When the wife interviewed in the Times article found out early May 2016 that her Husband planned to vote for Donald Trump, she apparently in all seriousness told him, “If you vote for Trump, I will divorce you and move to Canada.” The tone and conclusions of these and other articles or opinions vary widely, from words of solace and encouragement to remain open minded, to disparaging remarks for even considering such a drastic move in light of political differences, to full support for splitting up a marriage or relationship for support of Trump was so heinous it should leave you questioning the very core of the person you are with.

Now that election day has passed, whether or not these Trump-divided spouses will follow through with their threats to file for divorce is yet to be seen. While often times empty threats, arguments sparked by this election may have shed light on other significant issues that people weren’t aware of in their relationships. At least the husband in the Times article can breathe easy that his 20-year marriage won’t be coming to an end, since he decided not to vote for Trump (instead choosing to support the Libertarian candidate).

Even as divorce attorneys, we do not encourage or advocate for divorce by any means. We are simply here to guide you through the process and protect your interests in the event that you decide that divorce is the best option for you. We often encourage potential clients to very carefully consider this decision and its impact before “pulling the trigger,” so-to-speak. Regardless of the decision, it is important that you have competent and experienced legal counsel at your side to inform you of the potential impacts and to advocate for you through the process.

Please contact us if you are considering divorce from your spouse, a legal separation, or have questions regarding child custody and visitation. Nancy J. Bickford is the only Certified Family Law Specialist (CFLS) in San Diego County who is also a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Don’t settle for less when determining your rights. Call 858-793-8884 in Del Mar, Carmel Valley, North County or San Diego.

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