When Does Separate Property Become Community Property in California? Property division is an essential aspect of divorce. In California, property is divided according to community property law. Any marital or community property must be split between spouses. There is a division between what is separate and what is community property,…
Articles Posted in standard of living
The Difference Between Divorce vs. Legal Separation vs. Annulment
The Difference Between Divorce vs. Legal Separation vs. Annulment A married couple or domestic partnership considering separation in California has several legal options available. This can be confusing and frustrating for some couples who are unsure what the “right” way to separate is. Couples can end or separate a marriage…
How Is Spousal Support Decided in California?
How Is Spousal Support Decided in California? Divorce is a complex legal process, and legal separation might involve several new systems that must be adapted. When adjusting to a fresh divorce, dividing assets, setting up child visitation plans, and separating joint bank accounts are expected parts of the separation process.…
Understanding California’s Community Property Law in Divorce
Understanding California’s Community Property Law in Divorce California is one of nine states that uses a community property statute to resolve property division in divorce. This means that all marital property in a divorce is subject to a strict 50/50 division in every divorce filed in the state. Some people…
Benefits of Legal Counsel in a High Net Worth Divorce
Benefits of Legal Counsel in a High Net Worth Divorce Any divorce in California can impose severe financial concerns for both spouses, but couples who control substantial assets and complex investments tend to have the most difficult times in divorce proceedings. A “high net worth divorce” was traditionally any divorce…
Commonly Overlooked Financial Issues in Divorce
Commonly Overlooked Financial Issues in Divorce Divorce is likely to be one of the most challenging experiences you will ever endure, and it’s important to approach the situation as informed as possible about the obstacles you are likely to encounter. Divorce is more than just terminating your marriage contract; it…
How Does a Postnup or a Prenup Affect Your California Divorce?
How Does a Postnup or a Prenup Affect Your California Divorce? In the State of California, both prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are recognized, and couples facing divorce need to be aware of the role the agreement plays. Among the many factors they must consider is the fact that certain issues…
Your Guide to Spousal Support in California
Your Guide to Spousal Support in California Divorce in California can be incredibly stressful and complicated, especially regarding the financial issues involved. The state upholds a strict community property statute that applies to property division, requiring divorcing spouses to evenly divide their marital assets, property, and debts. However, property division…
Everything to Know About Premarital Agreements
Everything to Know About Premarital Agreements Marriage is one of the most important decisions an individual will ever make. There are many diverse factors that go into choosing a partner, and they can differ widely depending on the individual. What does not differ, however, is the human drive to protect…
How Is Spousal Support Determined?
How Is Spousal Support Determined? One aspect of the divorce process that is often misunderstood is spousal support, also referred to as alimony. References to this form of support are often made in the media. Many people wonder why spousal support exists in the first place, beyond a convenient plot…