How Can a Local San Diego Family Law Lawyer Help Me? Navigating legal action within the realm of family law, whether that be divorce, property division, child custody concerns, domestic violence incidents, or more, can be heavy and challenging. The emotional toll of dealing with the legal issue while also…
Articles Posted in child support modification
Are Mothers Favored in Child Custody Decisions?
Are Mothers Favored in Child Custody Decisions? Child custody is a sensitive issue, which is why there are some important guidelines that family law judges are required to follow when making a child custody decision. Many people, in particular fathers, have questions about whether or not mothers are favored in…
When Can Custody Orders Be Modified?
When Can Custody Orders Be Modified? Child custody must always be decided based on the best interests of the child or children involved. However, a variety of factors are involved in making these decisions, and these could change over time. This could mean that the custody orders may need to…
How Much Will I Pay in Child Support in California?
How Much Will I Pay in Child Support in California? One of the biggest questions asked when filing for divorce is how much you will pay for child support in California. In some cases, the court orders that child support payments be made by the higher earner to the lower…
Do Parents Have to Provide Health Insurance for Children After a Divorce in California?
Do Parents Have to Provide Health Insurance for Children After a Divorce in California? Health insurance is usually not the first thing that comes to mind during a divorce, but it is incredibly important to think about. It’s usually mandatory in the state of California, so losing health insurance coverage…
Does the Mother Automatically Have Full Custody in California? (2024)
Does the Mother Automatically Have Full Custody in California? It is a popular belief that mothers automatically receive custody of their children if the parents split, but this is not always the case. Who gets custody often depends on things like the couple’s marital status and each parent’s individual situation.…
Common Mistakes Made During a Custody Battle in California
Common Mistakes Made During a Custody Battle in California Child custody battles are often contentious and filled with intense emotions, making them some of the most challenging elements of a divorce. During a custody battle, it’s imperative that you prioritize the well-being of your child in every proceeding. This is…
Understanding Child Custody Laws in California
Understanding Child Custody Laws in California Child custody battles are difficult and can become a physical, emotional, and financial strain on families. Whether you’re a mother fighting for custody or a grandparent trying to uphold your rights to your grandchild, it’s essential that you understand California’s child custody laws and…
How Are Child Custody Agreements Determined in California?
How Are Child Custody Agreements Determined in California? In California, child custody agreements are based on determining what the most ideal arrangement for the child is and creating a care plan that aligns with this conclusion. In the state of California, family law emphasizes the importance of maintaining frequent and…
How Does Relocation Impact Child Custody?
How Does Relocation Impact Child Custody? Having to relocate after a child custody arrangement has already been implemented for many years is a reality that many families must face. The need to relocate can sometimes be driven by a new job opportunity, a personal circumstance, or even the sheer desire…