Premarital Agreements (“PMA”) can be very tricky. As experienced San Diego family law attorneys, we work hard to keep up with changes to the PMA rules. The rules for “PMA’s are contained in California Family Code Sections 1600-1617. In addition to parties essentially creating their own agreed upon law (within…
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog
The Impact of Cohabitation and Remarriage on Child and Spousal Support
After a divorce, one party may decide to cohabit or remarry. As a San Diego divorce attorney, when this occurs, clients (or former clients) ask questions about the impact of cohabitation or remarriage on child support and spousal support. What is Cohabitation? Everyone know what remarriage means, but what about…
Schwarzenegger is paying for private school tuition; might a court order you to too?
As the details of our former Governor’s extramarital indiscretions continue to emerge, it is somewhat surprising that neither party has filed for divorce. But while the parties have yet to file for divorce, it appears they are already addressing an issue that arises in most divorce cases involving children: child…
Problems That Could Affect a Couple Divorcing After a Long Marriage
Many San Diego clients make the decision to divorce after decades of marriage. This means not only a painful separation after years of their lives being intertwined, but also facing a thicket of different property laws. First and foremost are California’s current community property laws, which get more complicated if…
Schwarzenegger Case Illustrates Issues of Marital Property, Child Custody, Alimony in San Diego Divorces
FOX News and other media outlets continue to report that the divorce of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver could be among the most expensive celebrity splits on record. Some estimates say Shriver could get more than the $100 million Tiger Wood’s ex-wife Elin Nordegren received.Division of marital property in a…
Can the Court Seize Control of Your Business like Major League Baseball did to the Dodgers?
A San Diego client recently asked me if the court could seize control of the parties community property business, which was started during marriage and is managed by his spouse. His question was prompted by what recently happened to the Los Angeles Dodgers. The owners of the Dodgers, Frank and…
Is the Spousal Support Waiver in Our Premarital Agreement Valid?
As a San Diego attorney, clients with premarital agreements often ask whether the spousal support waiver provision in their premarital agreement is enforceable. Whether my client wants to enforce the agreement or have it not enforced, the answer is – it depends. The Premarital Agreement Act applies to premarital agreements…
What if I want to move with the children?
Sometimes, during or after a divorce, my client may decide to move away from San Diego. The most frequent reasons I hear are that my client can no longer afford to live in San Diego, have family/friends elsewhere, or received a great job offer out of San Diego. When there…
Family Law Filing Fees in San Diego County
If you are heading to the court house to file a Petition for dissolution of marriage (or a Response), don’t forget to bring your check book. Here in San Diego County, the current filing fee for a “first paper” (which includes a Petition or a Response) is $395. And while…
Divorce Litigation: Can My Spouse Pay For My Attorney?
Did you happen to catch CNBC’s documentary Divorce Wars when it premiered last weekend? Promoted as “CNBC goes inside the confidential world of multi-million dollar divorce revealing the secrets of winning and losing on a battle field of emotional pain and financial gain”, the show highlighted, among other stories, the…