In San Diego, once parties decide to file for divorce, it is not uncommon for them to be in a rush to just “get it over with”. However, rushing through the divorce process is easier said than done. One of the most important factors in determining the length of the…
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog
Is Spousal Support Always Reported as Taxable Income to the Receiving Spouse?
With Tax Day (April 15th) near approaching, both CPAs and divorce attorneys alike are likely receiving an influx phone calls from clients regarding the tax implications of spousal support, often referred to as alimony. Generally, spousal support is considered to be tax-deductible to the spouse who is paying the support.…
Part II: Religion and Child Custody
Sharing Custody of Children During Religious Holidays As previously blogged about in “Part I: Religion and Child Custody,” a common issue in divorce revolves around which religion a child will follow after parents separate. Another common issue recognized by divorce attorneys is how to fairly share custody of children during…
Part I: Religion and Child Custody
Which Religion do Children Follow when Parents of Different Faiths Divorce? With the recent passing of Easter, a Christian holiday, and Pesach (Passover), a Jewish holiday, parents of different faiths may be left wondering which holiday their child will celebrate after a divorce. Because divorcing parents don’t always agree on…
George Clinton’s Wife Demands Full Disclosure in Battle Over Spousal Support
Funk music innovator, George Clinton, and his wife of 23 years, Stephanie Clinton, are now amidst a battle over spousal support. TMZ reports that Stephanie is now seeking Clinton pay up and is requesting the court to order both temporary and permanent spousal support. Clinton is reportedly not too pleased…
Celebrity Divorce – Deion Sanders Awarded Full Custody of Children
Former MLB and NFL legend, Deion Sanders, is use to battling to the top. But this time, his three children were on the line. As we have previously blogged, Sanders filed for divorce in 2011. Luckily for Sanders, he came out on top again when a Texas judge recently awarded…
“Shocking” Case Voids Prenup in Divorce
A New York appeals court is making waves throughout the family law community as a result of its recent controversial ruling. Before Elizabeth Cioffi-Petrakis and Peter Petrakis got married, they entered into a premarital agreement, commonly known as a “prenup”. At trial, the court ruled that the premarital agreement was…
Overseas Marriage Loophole
In the past few years internet dating and the concept of online love connections has exploded. It has become increasingly more socially acceptable to find a mate online than when the concept first arose with the invention of the internet. Recently a new trend has emerged: internet marriages. The idea…
“Infidelity Clauses” and Celebrity Prenuptial Agreements
A premarital agreement, more commonly known as a “prenup,” is a contract entered into by soon-to-be spouses prior to marriage. Celebrities commonly enter premarital agreements in order to protect any wealth they may acquire during marriage. Where one spouse has the potential to make millions of dollars per year, as…
Allen Iverson’s Divorce Finalized
Former Philadelphia 76er Allen Iverson’s divorce has been finalized. The resolution came after the second divorce filing by Iverson’s wife, the first having been filed 15 months prior and then withdrawn according to TMZ. Standing a mere 6 feet (relatively speaking, of course) Iverson was the number one draft pick…