Spousal support is an aspect of family law that divorce attorneys frequently answer questions about. In states such as Massachusetts and Florida, second wives are lobbying for spousal support legislation reform regarding “permanent” spousal support (commonly referred to as “alimony”). To clarify, in California, “permanent” spousal support is not a…
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog
New York State Revamps Divorce Laws – is California Next?
Recently, the divorce attorneys at the firm have blogged about proposed changes in divorce laws sweeping the Nation. Legislators in many states throughout the U.S. seem to think that current family law statues have gone stale. Currently, a new bill is awaiting passage in New York State that, if passed,…
Enforceability of Unfair Terms in Marital Settlement Agreements
In January 2013, divorce attorneys were abuzz as our local Court of Appeal took a strong stance with regard to enforceability of Marital Settlement Agreements (“MSA’s”). In San Diego family law cases, the parties to a divorce have the ability to enter into agreements regarding any area of their case.…
New Startup Company Using Technology to Streamline the Divorce Process
We often blog about the advantages of a mediated/negotiated divorce settlement; however, a new company “Wevorce” is taking this concept to a new level. Family law offers unique challenges to divorce attorneys and the court because the disputed issues are extremely personal to the litigants. When the parties are unable…
Can you get divorced without an attorney in San Diego?
Often when non-lawyers imagine going to court they picture themselves being represented by a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. The courtroom and legal system can be intimidating to those unfamiliar with the process because of the immense amount of specific procedures and rules that must be followed. However, despite their inexperience…
Arnold Schwarzenegger & Maria Shriver Still Not Divorced?
In the summer of 2011 news broke of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s affair with his housekeeper and of the child he had with his mistress. His wife, Maria Shriver, was reportedly devastated and ashamed. As Shriver is a Kennedy and comes from a long line of women who stood by their husbands…
Ex-spouse’s Remarriage Usually Doesn’t Impact Child Support Obligation
Is it possible to go after my ex-husband’s new wife’s income in order to increase his child support obligation? This question probably comes across a divorcée’s mind more often than not. Unfortunately, if your ex-husband remarries, you will most likely be unsuccessful in pursuing his new wife’s income as family…
California Family Law – Latest Charlie Sheen Custody Battle
Charlie Sheen, a regular news-maker in California family law, has four children from his two prior marriages. Two twin boys with ex-wife Brooke Mueller and two girls with ex-wife Denise Richards. After all the dust settled from his two divorces, Sheen’s twin boys ended up in the custody of Denise…
Property Division and Divorce – Dividing Household Items Without a Judge
In a divorce, personal property (such as furniture, furnishings, art, family photos, pets, and other general property) is treated no differently than the division of other assets. Parties to a divorce can spend a significant amount of money fighting over silverware and lamps by placing a dollar figure on each…
How a Later Date of Separation in a San Diego Divorce May Weigh In Your Favor
In a San Diego divorce, a party’s date of separation is the first date when either party subjectively (mentally) decided the marriage was over, finished, and not salvageable. The parties’ overt actions usually demonstrate that subjective frame of mind. For instance, there can’t be ongoing marriage counseling to save the…