
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog


Do San Diego Courts Favor Mothers in Child Custody Decisions?

California child custody laws have most certainly evolved during our history as a state. Historically, it appeared that mothers were favored in court to get custody of the parties’ children just because they were female. Mothers were pretty much guaranteed to get custody of the children, while even the best…


Who Decides Which School the Kids Will Go to After a Divorce?

A divorce can be quite devastating for all parties involved, especially the children of divorcing couples whose lives are often affected in a variety of ways. One issue that frequently arises during a divorce is a dispute over where the children will attend school after the parents have moved their…


How Does Divorce Affect My Credit Score?

Along with the emotional challenges of a divorce, financial challenges often also accompany a divorce proceeding. In relation to the many financial challenges, one question that often comes to the mind of our San Diego clients is: How does divorce affect my credit? The fact that you are now divorced…


Getting a Mortgage After Divorce – Is it Impossible?

A divorce almost always results in a change in housing for one or both spouses. As if qualifying for a new mortgage isn’t hard enough, unfortunately, getting a mortgage after a divorce can be further complicated by several factors related to the dissolution. During a divorce proceeding, family lawyers frequently…


Is My Prenup Valid? How the Date May Affect Validity

The date of a premarital agreement (commonly referred to as a “prenup”) will determine the law applicable to its enforcement and validity. The law related to the validity and enforcement of premarital agreements has changed substantially throughout the past 30 years. Divorce attorneys are frequently asked the question: “Is my…


Child Custody and Visitation – Madonna & Guy Ritchie Lead by Example Post-Divorce

In January 2009, Madonna and Guy Ritchie finalized their divorce after eight years of marriage. At the time of their split, many rumors surfaced regarding an acrimonious divorce and possible affairs. Madonna is often cited as the source of the “adoption trend” for celebrities. In fact, as a mother of…


California Alimony Calculation – Fringe Benefits as Income Available for Support

One of the biggest battles in many contested divorce cases is the issue of spousal support (also commonly referred to as alimony) and analysis of California spousal support factors. The most prominent factors a court typically considers when making a spousal support award are the supported spouse’s needs and the…

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