
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog


Modifying Custody When Ex-Spouse’s New Boyfriend/Girlfriend is Bad News

So not only has your wife/husband left your marriage high and dry, but your ex already has a new boyfriend or girlfriend who is just plain bad news. Perhaps the new boyfriend/girlfriend is an ex-convict, does illegal drugs, is involved in an inappropriate lifestyle or is simply not a good…


My Child is 18 – Why Do I Have to Pay Child Support?

In California child support cases, the parties may be surprised to learn that a parent’s duty to financially support his or her child may continue after the child becomes a legal adult at the age of eighteen (18). This idea is often confusing to the parties because child support is…


Divorce Across the US: Do Some States Pose More Obstacles than Others?

There are a plethora of differences between one state’s divorce laws and another state’s. Whether one state is better for your divorce versus another is typically a subjective opinion based on whether your specific situation would benefit from community property laws for division of assets, whether you prefer the court…


Questions to Ask Yourself Before Filing for Divorce

Thinking about or talking about the possibility of divorce is very different than actually taking affirmative steps to file for divorce in Family Court. Moving forward with this step can take a significant amount of mental and emotional strength. If you’re still in the thinking or talking stages of a…


The Uncovered Secrets of Saving Money in a Divorce

As a family law litigator, I see on a first-hand basis how much clients are shelling out just to get a divorce. The entire process can very quickly take a dramatic toll on someone both financially and emotionally. In today’s economy, most of us don’t have unlimited funds set aside…


Hague Convention – Return of Abducted Children

Many countries, including the United States, have become members of the Hague Convention. The Hague Convention contains an Article on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Pursuant to the child abduction provisions, the court “shall order the return of a child forthwith” upon proper petition of the court if…

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