
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog


What Do You Do with Your Children’s Passports?

There was a time before 2010 when you could go to Mexico for a few days and all that was required to return was a valid U.S. ID or a birth certificate. That changed in 2010 when the immigration regulations changed and a valid passport was required for all citizens,…


They Paid What?! How Is My California Child Support Obligation Calculated?

At some point in your life, you have probably done a double-take upon hearing news of a crazy-sounding child support payment of a celebrity or famous athlete. The media loves to report on these sometimes exorbitant amounts, for the shock value given to amounts of money that many Americans may…


How does the UCCJEA determine which state gets to make custody and visitation orders over children?

We live an increasingly mobile society, so it’s not unusual for families to find themselves in different parts of the country for a multitude of reasons. So, how is it decided which state gets to make custody and visitation orders over the children in these situations? The Uniform Child Custody…


The Pope Has Arrived! A Discussion of Annulment in California and the Pope’s Reform to the Church’s Annulment Process

All Americans, religious or not, are in an undeniable state of excitement upon Pope Francis’ first arrival on U.S. soil. As we are bombarded with media coverage of the visit at every turn, the divorce attorneys here at Bickford Blado & Botros find it a fitting time to discuss annulment…


The Supreme Court Interprets “Living Separate and Apart” in Marriage of Davis

In Marriage of Davis, the Supreme Court of California was asked to decide the following question: can spouses truly be “living separate and apart” within the meaning of Family Code section 771(a) if they share the same residence? The Court, in a unanimous decision, held that spouses cannot be separated…


Same-Sex Divorce

In recent years, same-sex marriage has undergone a radical transformation in California and in the rest of the nation. Bickford Blado & Botros are well aware of these important changes in the law. On June 16, 2008, the Supreme Court of California held that California’s same-sex marriage ban was not…

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