
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog


Moore/Marsden Calculations

Previously, we discussed the basics of the Moore/Marsden calculations, which is how the Court determines the community interest in the home when community funds pay down mortgage principal of a separate property home. The Moore/Marsden formula provides for the community to receive not only a reimbursement for principal paydown, but…


Chris Rock and the Mystery Child; Who is responsible for support?

As Chris Rock prepares to host the upcoming Oscars, and while much of the population is focused on his potential commentary in light of the highly-criticized lack of diversity in Oscar nominees, something else has captured our attention this week as an interesting legal question that  has risen in Chris’s…


Student Loans at Divorce: A refresher on assignment and potential reimbursements

It is no secret that the cost of higher education in America is HIGH. Each year, the average amount of student loans borrowed increases, as does the number of students taking out educational loans. A 2013 study done by the One Wisconsin Institute found, after surveying 61,762 people, that the…


Sherri Shepherd Relentlessly Attempts to Renounce Child

No, Sherri Shepherd’s case is not in being heard in California, but that does not make the facts of her legal battle any less intriguing to us California divorce lawyers. It has certainly left me hypothecating as to what the outcome of her widely-publicized parentage and support battle might be…


Divorce and Dividing Social Security Benefits

Dividing pensions and retirement plans can be a very complicated aspect of divorce. The rules that apply to social security benefits do not make things any less complicated. Pension and retirement plans acquired during the marriage are community property just like any other community property. Pensions and retirement plans usually…

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