
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog


Race to the Courthouse

“Race to the courthouse” is an informal name used to describe the rule in some jurisdictions that the first conveyance instrument, mortgage, lien or judgment to be filed with the appropriate recorder’s office, will have priority and prevail over documents filed subsequently, irrespective of the date of execution of the…


Taxes and Divorce: 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Taxes are already complicated enough. Unfortunately, divorce makes it more complicated. Here are three rules of thumb every divorcee should try to remember: 1. Claim community income before the date of separation: In California, all property acquired during the marriage is presumed to be community property, including any property acquired…


Drew Barrymore Divorcing for the Third Time, What are the Odds?

In the first week of April, news broke that Drew Barrymore will be seeking a divorce from her third husband, Will Kopelman, after a marriage lasting just under four years. The couple has two children together, 3-year-old Olive and almost 2-year-old Frankie. In light of the statistics, this news doesn’t…


Moore/Marsden – Determining the Community Interest in a Home after the Second Spouse is Added to Title

In two previous posts, we discussed the very important Moore/Marsden formula, which is the formula that determines the community interest in real property when the community pays down mortgage principal on the separate property of another spouse. In the first post, we discussed the basic formula, while noting that in…

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