
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog


What To Do When you find out the “Father” is not the Biological Father?

Can a judgment establishing paternity be set aside? Under California Family Code Section 7646, if there has already been a judgment establishing paternity and the parents later find out dad is not really the biological father, the judgment can be set aside. If genetic testing indicates that the previously established…


Granting Visitation Rights to Grandparents in California

What happens if you are a grandparent and you would like court ordered visitation rights with your grandchildren in California? In California, under Family Code section 3100, the family court may grant reasonable visitation rights to the grandparent of a minor child. California can be fairly permissive when it comes…


I Don’t: What happens to the engagement ring when the engagement is broken off?

“Will you marry me?” Once that special question is popped, generally it is followed up with that beautiful, but expensive diamond ring placed on her finger. So what happens to the ring when the wedding doesn’t happen? Generally, once a gift is made in California it cannot be revoked. However,…


Custody Evaluations in California: 3111 v. 730

In many high conflict cases, the Court cannot rely solely on the parties and the witnesses selected by the parties to come to an informed conclusion on child custody and visitation. The Court must rely on other professionals to investigate and evaluate the family’s circumstances. A custody evaluation is generally…


Summer Vacation Tips for Divorced or Separated Parents

Summer is right around the corner, which means one thing…School is almost out! Thinking of where you and your child want to spend some time soaking up the sun? Before you plan that out of the county or even out of the country vacation, let’s make sure your trip will…


Lessons Learned from Kaley Cuoco Divorce

Kaley Cuoco became the second-highest paid TV actress (2nd to Sofia Vergara), after signing a $72 million dollar 3-year contract for her role in CBS’s hit show The Big Bang Theory. Yes, that’s $1 million dollars per episode for 72 episodes….and yes, now I’m reconsidering my chosen career path. Ahem,…

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