
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog


Settlement isn’t always possible, as shown through Christina Estrada’s divorce

For years, Christina Estrada’s life read like a fairytale; former international supermodel fell in love with a billionaire Saudi Arabian sheikh, raising a daughter and sharing a mansion in the British countryside with an unlimited monthly budget to spend on whatever their hearts desired. She is quoted describing her married…


Psychological Evaluations: Why should I request one?

The psychological evaluation is often the most important document for a parent in a divorce case. Yet the manner in which psychologists create these reports is difficult to understand, even for many family lawyers. In this multi-part series, we will examine psychological evaluations, one of the most important tools the…


Effective Date for Support Orders

One of the first issues a new client will ask us about is support.  Whether it is child support, spousal support, or both, support is one of the most important issues in your family law case.  It’s easy to understand why.  During your marriage income and expenses are shared and…


Lisa Marie Presley leaves husband in charge of finances; what happens when the “out spouse” files for divorce?

On June 13 Lisa Marie Presley filed for divorce from her fourth husband, Michael Lockwood. While Lisa Marie isn’t the only star we’ve written about to go through multiple divorces, her specific case highlights a common and sometimes very complicated issue in divorce which occurs when one spouse has taken…


Marriage of Cooper: Another reason why you shouldn’t mix community and separate money in the same bank account!

The Court of Appeals just issued what could be a very important opinion on the issue of commingling separate and community funds in certain accounts. The name of the case is Marriage of Cooper and it is a stark reminder of the perils that may result from mixing separate and…


Jules Wainstein still living with Ex; how to get out if this sounds like you

As a cast member of the Real Housewives of New York, Jules Wainstein is no stranger to drama. Surprisingly though, Jules’ impending divorce from husband Michael Wainstein filed in June has already been deemed the most dramatic divorce in Housewives history. And while it may be the most dramatic divorce…


Don McLean’s Divorce and Waiver of Prenuptial Agreement

After a 30-year marriage, Don McLean and wife Patrisha have finalized their divorce. The “American Pie” singer’s divorce followed his January 2016 arrest on domestic violence assault charges, for which he plead not guilty. The divorce paperwork filed by Patrisha after this incident cited “adultery, cruel and abusive treatment, and…


Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Divorce

The latest Hollywood divorce drama comes as Amber Heard files for divorce after a 15-month union with Johnny Depp. Heard alleged an incident of domestic violence just days before she filed for divorce, and pictures later surfaced of her with a black eye. The media is abuzz with discussions of…

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