This having likely been one of the most divisive political campaigns and presidential nominations in history, it may not be surprising that the widespread political divide and contempt has spilled over into many households and left countless numbers of people questioning relationships with their significant others. For several months, we…
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog
“You’re Fired”…or You Quit?… or You’re Laid Off? – I don’t know, but you lost your job
No matter what side of the aisle you are on politically or whether you were happy or dismayed by the results, the 2016 presidential election was historic. This blog is not about the election or the candidates that were running, nor does it have anything to do with their politics…
In Honor of the Cubs World Series Win………
..…I just couldn’t pass up the chance to write about a divorcing couple that went through a heated battle over World Series tickets. Apparently this battle became was so “serious” that a suburban wife felt it appropriate to file an emergency petition in a Chicago court for orders that the…
You Think Disneyland Lines Are Long…Just Wait Until You Submit Your Divorce Judgment
It was recently reported that Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odem finally submitted their divorce judgment for processing with the Court. I say finally because the case was first filed in December 2013. It was stagnate for nearly two years while Lamar allegedly battled substance abuse issues. When Lamar nearly died…
The Mediation Privilege in Family Law: What Does it Mean and Why Does it Matter?
Many parties choose to have their divorce cases mediated by a professional mediator. This can have many valuable benefits. It can be cheaper, less stressful, and much quicker than your typical adversarial divorce. All other things being equal, working together is preferred to working against one another. Any party who…
Can The Changed Circumstances Rule in Child Support Be Suspended by Agreement?
Child support in California can be very complicated and the changed circumstances rule is one of the reasons why. The changed circumstances rule requires a court to deny a request to modify child support if the court determines that there was no material change in circumstances since the time the…
Can you imagine living in a country where divorce is illegal?
Divorce is never ideal. Even in the most amicable of divorces, it is never the outcome that any couple dreams of on the day that they fall in love and decide to get married. However, as difficult as divorce might be, financially, emotionally, and otherwise, imagine the alternative. Imagine that…
My spouse/partner took our child to another state and filed a restraining order against me. What do I do?
There are few things that can affect a parent emotionally like discovering that the other parent has removed their child from California and filed a restraining order in another state. The California legal system is difficult enough to navigate. Having to deal with another state’s legal system can make this…
What is bifurcation and how can it simplify my family law case?
Bifurcation is an often underutilized procedure in civil cases (including family law cases) that, if used correctly, can significantly reduce the attorney fees and costs necessary to bring a case to a conclusion and can significantly increase the prospect of settlement. So what is bifurcation exactly? In the process of…
A Family Law Appeal is Not Just a “Do-Over” of a Family Law Trial
Some family law litigants (and even some attorneys) may think an appeal is just a “do-over” of what happened at the trial level. However, trials and appeals are two very different proceedings. In this post, we will address one of the most fundamental differences between proceedings at the trial level…