
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog


Co-parenting With Someone of a Different Religion

Co-parenting With Someone of a Different Religion In the state of California, the term child custody is used to reference the ability to make decisions that affect the quality of life of your children, such as those relating to health and education. For some parents, religion plays a big role…


Child Custody and Support Outside of Wedlock

Child Custody and Support Outside of Wedlock Navigating custody and child support cases is a normal part of course proceedings. If you happen to be an unmarried parent who has newly separated from their partner, you might be wondering if any legal provisions are in place to support you and…


Co-Parenting Over the Holidays

Co-Parenting Over the Holidays Regardless of your custody arrangement or relationship with your child’s other parent, navigating the intricacies of co-parenting over the holidays can be difficult. Holiday planning is particularly challenging this year due to the ongoing pandemic, which has introduced new obstacles and complications to anything involving travel.…


Every Ending Is a New Beginning

COVID-19 has affected all sectors of the U.S. population.  The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has issued stay-at-home orders for all residents, with limited exceptions for “essential works.”  In California alone, over 1 million workers have filed for employment benefits.  The San Diego Courthouses have all closed to the public…


Modifying a Visitation Schedule

Although a divorce in California could be finalized in as quickly as 6 months, if the former spouses have children together they are stuck with each other for 18 years, and longer!  The truth is that child custody and visitation issues linger long after the final divorce papers are signed. …


There’s No Place Like Home…Or is There?

Making headlines recently, a 26 year old man was arrested after punching his mother in the face during a dispute about toilet paper.  A few months ago this news likely would not have even made the headlines.  The state of our world as we know it has drastically changed and…


Child Support When Both Parents Care for the Child Equally

The other day I was asked, “Why do I need to pay child support to my ex-wife if we care for our children equally?”  This is a great question that requires some understanding of both California law and public policy.  At first blush it may seem unreasonable and unfair that…


Spousal Support and Termination

One of the hot button issues in any divorce case is spousal support.  Standard questions that might float through a party’s mind include, but are not limited to, “what party will pay support?”, “how much support will I pay/receive?”, and “how long will I pay/receive support for?”  This blog will…


My Divorce is Over, Now What?

Parties in the middle of a divorce often long for that light at the end of the tunnel when they can finally say that it is over!  Although it may seem like you will never reach the end, everyday parties are finalizing their divorce judgments and moving on with their…


Common Types of Discovery in a Divorce Proceeding

Once the initial paperwork in a divorce proceeding is filed, both parties must complete what is called a “Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure.”  This disclosure mainly consists of two documents, the first is the party’s “Schedule of Assets and Debts” and the second is the party’s “Income and Expense Declaration.”  Just…

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