
San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog


Can the Reason for Divorce Affect Child Custody?

Can the Reason for Divorce Affect Child Custody? When a marriage falls apart, there are usually a plethora of factors at play. That being said, there are also plenty of scenarios where most of the blame can be assigned to a specific issue, such as acts of adultery, problems related…


What Can I Do If My Spouse Refuses to Be Served the Divorce Papers?

What Can I Do If My Spouse Refuses to Be Served the Divorce Papers? Divorce is never an easy decision, but it might be the best way to move forward with your life in some situations. Once you’ve decided to get a divorce, the next step is to initiate proceedings…


Tips for Effective Coparenting Following Divorce in CA

Tips for Effective Coparenting Following Divorce in CA Transitioning from married life back to single living can be very difficult, especially if you are a divorced parent. It is necessary to not only take care of yourself and adapt to your new reality but also to ensure your children can…


Why Do I Need a Divorce Attorney?

Why Do I Need a Divorce Attorney? If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when you imagine what to expect over the coming months as your divorce case unfolds. To help, one of the most important things you can…


Five Things You Should Never Do During Divorce Proceedings

Five Things You Should Never Do During Divorce Proceedings Your impending divorce may be one of the most difficult experiences of your life, even if you and your spouse arrived at the decision to divorce on mutual terms. Unfortunately, the actual process of ending a marriage tends to bring out…


Why Every Divorcing Couple Should Consider Mediation

Why Every Divorcing Couple Should Consider Mediation The divorce process is notoriously challenging in several ways. Divorce is certainly emotionally taxing on most people who experience the process, and it can also be expensive while hampering the usual activities of your daily life. While divorce is never likely to be…


Common Mistakes to Avoid During Mediation

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Mediation When people think of divorce, they often think of long, drawn-out courtroom sessions with insults flung across the room while the judge calls for order with their gavel. Fortunately, that specific scenario only happens on rare occasions. Like many things in life, divorce varies…


How Is Spousal Support Determined?

How Is Spousal Support Determined? One aspect of the divorce process that is often misunderstood is spousal support, also referred to as alimony. References to this form of support are often made in the media. Many people wonder why spousal support exists in the first place, beyond a convenient plot…


How Much Does a Child’s Preference Impact Custody?

How Much Does a Child’s Preference Impact Custody? One of the most difficult challenges of going through a divorce is determining the details regarding child custody. Even in situations when the divorce itself is amicable, you and your spouse are likely to have differing opinions regarding how best to proceed…


Can Premarital Agreements Be Broken?

Can Premarital Agreements Be Broken? The purpose of a premarital agreement is fairly straightforward—to provide guidance for how a separation should be conducted if a marriage ends in divorce. Due to its nature, most couples don’t think much of such agreements unless they are actively considering a legal separation. At…

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