
Child Visitation and Custody Arrangements for Parents With Young Children

Child Visitation and Custody Arrangements for Parents With Young Children

Couples getting divorced in California are likely thinking first and foremost about the impact their divorce will have on their children. Couples with young children will specifically have different aspects of family law to consider than those with older children, such as child visitation and custody arrangements.

While parents may be tempted to plan for the present moment, thinking only of the needs of their young children right now, it’s important to keep the future of the children in mind as well. Bickford Blado & Botros explains how couples can take into account the needs of their young children now while designing a custody and visitation arrangement that will continue to work for the children as they age into their teenage years.

Child Custody Arrangements for Young Children

Couples who have young children and are getting a divorce are typically under a lot of pressure because they know the decisions they make now can impact their children’s upbringing. When deciding on custody and visitation arrangements, it is critical to keep the interests of the children in mind. For young children, it is important to be sure the arrangements will optimize stability and make it possible for their parents to support them emotionally and financially.

In addition to ensuring stability and emotional and financial support, it’s critical to craft a detailed parenting plan. These plans can outline how important decisions will be made, such as those related to medical provisions and daycare. A detailed plan should also include the daily schedules of the children and the specific visitation routines of each parent. Having a concrete routine provides stability and care for the children.

After the parents have agreed on visitation schedules, daily plans, and modes of decision-making that are going to be as ideal as possible for the children, it’s important for them to agree to keep lines of communication open between each other. Parents must also agree to be flexible and ready to adapt plans and schedules according to the children’s evolving needs.

Any financial agreements that are decided upon, such as child support, need to be documented thoroughly. An experienced California family lawyer can help you understand how child support payments are typically calculated and how much you can expect to pay or receive based on several factors, such as the earning power of you and your ex-spouse.

Anticipating the Needs of Teenagers: Forward-Looking Child Custody Arrangements

While many parents will be tempted to create their child custody arrangements solely around the needs of their children during the time of the divorce, you are going to want to have arrangements that can evolve as the children grow into their teenage years and beyond.

Be sure to include in the child custody and visitation agreements that the visitation schedules will be subject to change in the future. As a child grows into a teen, they likely will become more active in society and partake in extracurricular activities, as well as establish a social life. Both parents will need to be ready to adjust the visitation schedules accordingly, both allowing the children to flourish and optimizing time spent with them.

Both parents will also need to account for the fact that as the children age, their opinions will become stronger about who they will want to live with. Therefore, both parents must agree up front that they will take their children’s opinions into account in the future while respecting the decisions of the court order.

When children of divorced parents become teenagers, it’s crucial for communication to continue to be strong between both of the parents. It should be agreed upon in the parenting agreement that the parents will continue to communicate about topics related to social and financial support, healthcare, and education as their children age.


Q: How Can a Lawyer Offer Support in a CA Divorce With Mediation?

A: An experienced California lawyer can provide services such as mediation and collaborative law processes that can help divorcing couples reach agreements without having to go through the costly service of settling disputes in court. Mediation can also help couples anticipate other potential future disputes and help them handle them immediately. That way, they don’t come up later.

Q: Why Should I Get Help From an Attorney When Making My Child Custody and Visitation Arrangements?

A: An attorney can help couples draft and modify their existing child custody and visitation arrangements. They can take into account factors such as the age of the children, the preference of the children and their interests, as well as the financial situation of each of the parents in the family. They can also leverage their understanding of local law to advise on whether a modification is necessary to make lifestyle changes.

Q: How Can a Lawyer Help Me Enforce Court Orders?

A: If your spouse is taking action that goes against court orders or may go against court orders, then it is important to speak with a lawyer. Breaking a court order is against the law, and it should be taken very seriously. A lawyer can determine whether the actions of your ex-spouse are against court orders and move to take legal action if necessary.

Q: Can I Get a California Divorce Without a Lawyer if I Have Children?

A: If you have children, it is typical to get advice from a legal professional, even if you do not have any major disputes within the divorce. This is because you may overlook parts of the divorce agreement that could cause conflict later after the divorce is finished. An attorney can help you ensure your child custody and visitation agreement is optimal for the well-being of your children.

Work With Family Lawyers Who Have the Foresight To Care for Your Children

If you are going through a California divorce and you have young children, you want to work with a family lawyer who is experienced with similar cases. The legal team at Bickford Blado & Botros is available to help you craft the ideal child custody and visitation agreement for your children. Reach out to a family lawyer today to get started.


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