
Articles Posted in Divorce


Divorce Litigation: Can My Spouse Pay For My Attorney?

Did you happen to catch CNBC’s documentary Divorce Wars when it premiered last weekend? Promoted as “CNBC goes inside the confidential world of multi-million dollar divorce revealing the secrets of winning and losing on a battle field of emotional pain and financial gain”, the show highlighted, among other stories, the…


Facebook and Other Social Networking Sites as Sources of Evidence in Divorce Cases

By now, most job seekers know that potential employers may take a look at Facebook, or other social networking sites, when evaluating a potential new hire. Job candidates are wise to this practice, and many take care to edit their social networking posts accordingly. But many divorcing spouses are not…


Will an Attempt at Reconciliation Change the Character of Property?

If you are a fan of Who’s the Boss? star Tony Danza, you may recall that in 2006 he separated from his wife, Tracy. Four and a half years later, Tony Danza has filed for divorce according to As a San Diego divorce lawyer, I have had clients in…


California: Grounds for Divorce in a No-Fault Divorce State

As reported in The San Francisco Chronicle, retired San Francisco judge Isabella Horton Grant died of cancer on Saturday at age 87. Judge Grant made many contributions to family law, including her participation in the drafting and passage of California’s no-fault divorce rule, which went into effect January 1, 1970…


Reasons for Delaying Entry of Judgment

Why Would Anyone Delay Their Official Divorce Date? Yahoo News reported that on Thursday, February 10, 2011, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Hank Goldberg finalized Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller Sheen’s divorce, however, the Sheen’s will not be officially divorced (i.e., legally single) until May 2, 2011. AP reported on…

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