Spousal support is an issue commonly litigated in a divorce in San Diego. Carol Abar filed for divorce after sixteen years of marriage, when she learned that her husband had sexually assaulted her daughter. In a hearing on spousal support (commonly referred to as alimony in San Diego), a California…
Articles Posted in Divorce
Divorce and Alimony – Is it the beginning of the end?
Although we are located in California, and primarily represent clients in divorce in San Diego, sometimes family law decisions made in other states are noteworthy. Recently, Florida lawmakers discussed putting a stop to spousal support awards extending beyond half the length of the marriage, even for long term marriages. There…
Divorce – How Long is TOO Long for the Waiting Period?
The National Network to End Domestic Violence recently spoke out against proposed Senate Bill 518, “The Healthy Marriages Act,” which would extend the waiting period for a divorce in North Carolina to two years and require the couple to complete courses on communication skills and conflict resolution. Further, if there…
Celebrity Divorce – Kris Humphries Skips Mandatory Settlement Conference
On April 12, 2013, Kim Kardashian arrived at the family courthouse in Los Angeles to attend her Mandatory Settlement Conference (“MSC”). As San Diego divorce attorneys are aware, if the parties are unable to reach an agreement and must proceed to trial for court intervention on any issues, they are…
Divorce – Non-Disclosure of Assets Could Lead to a Lawsuit
Recently, Patricia Cohen’s lawsuit against her former husband, billionaire Steve Cohen, was given the green light by a New York court. Ms. Cohen and her divorce attorney filed the lawsuit accusing Mr. Cohen of hiding assets during their 1990 divorce. In 2011, Ms. Cohen’s lawsuit had been dismissed because the…
San Diego Divorce Timeline – What You Can Do to Speed it Up (Part 2)
As we have previously blogged, there are two distinct divorce paths that spouses can take in a San Diego divorce proceeding, the litigation path and the mediation path. As the case goes on, parties may end up using a combination of the two approaches. Part one of this blog explained…
San Diego Divorce Timeline – What You Can Do to Speed it Up (Part 1)
In San Diego, once parties decide to file for divorce, it is not uncommon for them to be in a rush to just “get it over with”. However, rushing through the divorce process is easier said than done. One of the most important factors in determining the length of the…
Part II: Religion and Child Custody
Sharing Custody of Children During Religious Holidays As previously blogged about in “Part I: Religion and Child Custody,” a common issue in divorce revolves around which religion a child will follow after parents separate. Another common issue recognized by divorce attorneys is how to fairly share custody of children during…
Part I: Religion and Child Custody
Which Religion do Children Follow when Parents of Different Faiths Divorce? With the recent passing of Easter, a Christian holiday, and Pesach (Passover), a Jewish holiday, parents of different faiths may be left wondering which holiday their child will celebrate after a divorce. Because divorcing parents don’t always agree on…
Allen Iverson’s Divorce Finalized
Former Philadelphia 76er Allen Iverson’s divorce has been finalized. The resolution came after the second divorce filing by Iverson’s wife, the first having been filed 15 months prior and then withdrawn according to TMZ. Standing a mere 6 feet (relatively speaking, of course) Iverson was the number one draft pick…